Friday, December 27, 2019


I hope one day over and over again I can help ladies who are pregnant.  Aspens primary leader and shes also over the midweek activity made me the nicest gift. She sewed and crocheted around the blanket and gave me matching burp clothes. I was so caught off guard I was shocked and felt so loved. It was on a day I was really struggling too. I tried to drive away fast whem.dropping off aspen at an activity so no one would see my look of complete disappear. She caught me and I cried on my way home.  It was so kind And so much work and love was put into it


I wanted to save this because we really are going around in circles with this babies name.  We have votes for Austin, Cheyenne and randomly Ember got thrown back in the mix. I also love katarina and Shay. I feel like I have to meet her first. Shes perfect already and even though I hate being pregnant and I'm so over it, I love all my kids and know they are Angel's from heaven.


I guess I havent updated in a while.
I spent most of November sick or coughing with asthma or both. December got better but here I am on December 27th coughing all night long.
I go through so much asthma medicine each day. I also can barely sleep at night and barely wake up in the a.m
 I get sad I'm not being as a good of a mom as I want to be. Lota guilt. Lots falls on Colby or sadly Aspen has had to grow up so much this year.  I cry thinking about it. Also I have to hold in the crying because I'll have an asta attack. I'm waiting for my dr. To get back from Christmas break to see when she will induce me. It will probably be the longest 2 weeks ever. In 2020 I want to be a kinder mom who says yes more. I want to serve my husband and show him how much I love and appreciate him
 Last monday I was 35 weeks and got to do an ultrasound.  Baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead. Weighing about 6lbs 9 oz.. She Moved so much. I found out my placenta was in front just like Barrett. It does put my mind at ease a little because I felt like she doeant always move as much. But I'm not supposed to feel her as much. I get lots of Braxton hicks when I move a little. Grocery shopping I feel like puts me in false labor.

Friday, November 1, 2019


I've been battling being so allergic and having asthma.  Ive lost most my sense of taste and all my sense of smell. Apparently cravings are not curbed by that haha
Green apples- dipped in caramel or chocolate even better.
Nacho cheese- pretzels or nachos either is yummy
Calamari  and sushi
A fat steak
Sand which subs
7 layer bean dip
Kit kats
Anything sour

Friday, September 20, 2019


I thought for sure I was having a boy. I honestly didn't have a preference because I love my girls and I know how to be a girl and do girl things and understand them Colby was hoping Barrett could get a brother.  I had cravings for sour everything! Sushi, cranberry juice, vinegar stuff,  panda Express,  Mexican food, chips and salsa. Soda! But for weeks any soda hurt my stomach and caffeine gave me the most annoying anxiety ever.   One of the hardest parts of being pregnant is having some food aversion to anything but also being too tired to cook but also being so hungry you need to eat something right away. I hate cooking already and we can I can't smell nothing ever appeals to me and I dread all day making food for people and having to eat food and I had to think about it all day so that my blood sugar doesn't go too low. I just decided this time that if I was hungry for something I was going to eat it or go get it. I enjoy lots of chicken nuggets from chick filet with ranch dipping sauce with Buffalo sauce mixed that something I ate  for weeks and weeks when I was pregnant with Barrett.

1st trimester

I struggled. It was last few weeks of school and I missed taking my girls to lots of things because I just was too tired. The entire month of june we did maybe 2 things. I felt horrible but i was so weak and so sick. We ended up telling Aspen because I really needed her to help with Barrett while I was sick. She is amazing. So amazing. I hope I'm amazing as Aspen one day. We also took her places and paid her when she helped. I was pretty desperate.  I decided not to tell anyone until I went to the dr. My insurance didnt cover dr bullero and I kind of stressed and waited a while to see another dr because so few were covered and I didnt want another dr like Aspens drs office. If I had know I would have picked an insurance around my dr. I went in to see my new dr the day before we went on vacation to Utah for the archery challenge.  I definitely looked more bloated and I was embarrassed because I had alot of steroids the past few months waiting for my dupixent shot to be paid for and now weighed like 155. Even though I went to the gym everyday before.